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"Welcome all to the bounty board where posters of our current most wanted waifus are posted. These women NEED to be captured and put into proper bondage and gagged!"
UPDATE January 2023:

-We've decided to try out the idea of throwing in a "free space" once in a while where any commissioners are welcome to ask for any character they want that is not on the board. That's right, you can ask for any character at all BUT I recommend you take into consideration the other characters you see on the board to keep in mind what types/series/etc. I like enjoying drawing the most, so I have at least a LITTLE fun

-This point is to clear something up a bit that i'm not sure i've said anywhere but the characters you see on the board are not limited to one commission a month. What I mean by that is any number of commissioners can ask for a commission of the same character in the same month.

-We've also added a 3rd commission tier for GAGBUSTS ONLY from the crotch up on subscribestar. The reason for it being gagbusts only is because it is a shorter timed slot. This 3rd Tier is priced at $50 and the time allotted will be 1 hour. Here is an example to show what one of these might potentially look like: www.deviantart.com/comcody99/a…

tuned for more changes and new stuff to come in the upcoming year!


-New month, new bounty board! some characters stayed, others were switched out or added

So this is something I've had in the back of my mind for a bit now and am finally pulling the trigger on: A revitalized version of commissions. This revitalization comes with a few stipulations to make things easier for myself. Here's how it will work and what those stipulations are:

-Each month I will update the picture above with a select few damsels I feel up to drawing. Some characters may stay when a new month comes about and others may be rotated out to bring in new characters. If you are interested in any of the characters and want to commission me to draw a picture of them bound and gagged, feel free to do so via my new commission tiers which will be available on both my SUBSCRIBESTAR and GUMROAD ONLY! 

-The "desirable #1" character in the middle of the bounty board will be the character I am most interested in drawing each round

-There will be three tiers and these tiers will be commission time slots, meaning each tier buys you a certain amount of time that I will work on your project every month. 

-Tier 1 will be priced at $50 and the time allotted will be 1 hour to work on it and this tier is for GAGBUST COMMISSIONS ONLY! This tier is called the "Neo-gagbust" tier.

-Tier 1 will be priced at $75 and the time allotted will be 1 hour 30 minutes to work on it. This tier is called the "Neo-Superior" tier.

-Tier 2 will be priced at $100 and the time allotted will be 2 hours to work on it. This tier is called the "Neo-Specialist" tier.

-If a commission is not finished within the time limit you may choose to leave it as is or continue to have it worked on after the next billing cycle.

-Currently commission tiers will be very limited to a small handful as I test this out but may open up more slots in the future.

-These will be single character commissions only. 

-I will only draw characters in either underwear/lingerie, bikinis or preferably nude. (sorry, no super in-depth or complicated outfits)

-I would highly prefer not to do any complicated poses or super detailed restraints (If you're not sure about one, please ask)

-I will need refs for poses

-You will have to provide any screenshots of backgrounds you wish to have used in your commission (unless I have a good background in my reference folders I feel fits well) 

-penetration (both down below and up top) are allowed via partial body parts or toys, etc.

-I reserve the right to post any commissions i feel publicly via my pages

-Communication for commission details is preferred via DM over on Discord but you may also contact me via DA notes if you are not on discord

-If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! 

Sold out, please go back and pick another option.
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